Monday, November 8, 2010

Like A Man Possessed

Things haven't been as bad as they once were. Does that mean that I'm simply just being teased by a greater force? A force that knows my weaknesses, my strengths, my life from the biggest event to the shirt I wore on my first day of school. A force that takes the evil as well as gives it to you. Something/Someone that looks upon us as if we're just pawns on a chess board and every stage of our life is a space that has been infiltrated. When we yell, cry, fear; maybe it's not us but the force inside of us. Are we not just puppets on a string, waiting to be manipulated at just the right time? Maybe Love is part of this force's doing, they say love is blind; or is it only blind because it does not want us to see it. The heart wants what it wants, or is something inside of us making the heart want something. We are basically just numbers on a clock, ticking away until we take our final breath, horses chasing after one-another for the finish line, or are we just men possessed, unknowing of our true power so something sets us back, therefore controlling us completely and making us vulnerable, so that we may endure more pain later...

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