Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Small Step For... No One

You know they say don't judge a book by its cover. If you had to though, what would my cover have on it? Nice guy, good listener, good smile, etc etc. But would this book get sold to the proper group of readers? Hell No, do you know why? It's because no one wants to read anything generic. Especially when it comes to a specific group: Good looking, Athletic, Asshole. These are the words that appeal to today's society of women. The "It's okay if he treats me like shit, as long as he has a nice bod," type of group. It's all nonsense if you ask me, sure I may be eating some sour grapes but it's true. Why go for the jock who you know will cheat on you? Why not the nerdy band geek who will treat you right? But I guess it's just the balance of things, the chain of command. The rich and powerful are destined for riches and power. The hardworking business man who started from the ground up is still going to have to work his ass off, even though he's been working his entire life. The hopeless romantic, will certainly have a couple flings, but he will remain romantically hopeless. "Maybe if I was a jerk to girls, instead of being nice and speaking kind words. Then maybe it would be okay to say then, that I wasn't a good guy to begin with." Everything comes down to stepping on the moon's surface because sure you'll make history but that history that you thought would change your life, it did but sooner or later it will disappear and it will certainly become history...

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