Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Something In Nothingness

A dream is defined as a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. It is something of an unreal beauty, charm or fancy. But do dreams define us? Because you dream of fast cars and lots of cash, does that mean that you are destined to become rich and powerful when your older? What if you dream of emptiness? For example, I've often dream't that I am headed home to a world I once knew, but when I arrive my house is empty. No furniture, no paint, even the lights seem to of vanished. So would this dream, be considered a dream? Or does it fall under the torturous nightmare category? Does a dream define us? Does it tell us how we are going to live our lives and if it does, then how are you to remember? Dreams tend to become forgotten after the first couple of minutes you wake up. Then why do Nightmares, live with you forever? You remember them as if they stole a part of your soul and every time you close your eyes, it's like your fighting to get it back. I read somewhere that, "History, is a nightmare from which I am trying to wake." Because we make history everyday, even though we can't feel it, does that mean that our nightmares rule our world? Do Nightmares Define Us?

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