Monday, October 18, 2010

Final Episode- The Reason We Sometimes Cry

Television has been around for many years. New shows come and go like seasons during a year. But it's always those old shows that get to us. The shows that we've started since the Pilot , all the way down to the final episode. Once the final episode hits, you can't help but to cry because even if the show has been with you for a couple of seasons it has still had some sort of impact on you and/or your life. For instance, I remember watching Friends everyday from the very first episode up until the show was finally over after 10 years and when the final credits hit, tears started strolling down my cheek. It was because I was both sad and happy that the show taught me multiple things in life. That 70's show was one that also hit me but none have hit me harder then when I saw the finale of Scrubs. Even though I never actually saw Scrubs on TV., watching it now makes me wish I had. The characters, the dialogue, the multiple jokes and hell the multiple heart breaks, actually showed me that not everything they show on TV is nonsense. Scrubs taught me that life has its ups and downs that one day you can be saving someone's life and the other you can be watching them dying. It's the way you get through those times that defines you as a person. It taught me that daydreaming never hurts anyone and that sometimes if you do fantasize, maybe your wishes will come true at least one time. So when a show finally ends and people wonder why your crying about it, you don't have to tell them. Because you yourself know that it changed your life, even if it was just for one second.

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