Monday, November 22, 2010

My Heart is Connected to the Ink in my Pen

What do women want? Nobody knows because women are magician's. They show you affection and kindness, they make you think many things are easily possible. Just when you feel fully satisfied, they take out the rabbit from their hat and all hell breaks loose. As a man, Women are a very confusing subject but then again I'm pretty sure us guys are confusing to women too. Men however are easily satisfied with whatever you give them, women on the other hand you have to work your ass off just to impress them, let's not even mention trying to get a date. So what do they really want? What do they look for in a man? They want a man whose caring and loves to talk about his feelings and cuddle, hell no. They like a jerk, an asshole, the type of guy that will easily bang one of his girl's girlfriends. Does it only work for certain guys though? I mean sure I can act like a jerk to an extreme amount but considering I already have a complex as the sweet guy that listens, when I act like an ass, girls become too damn sensitive."Why are you being this way?" What way damnit, oh you mean like all your past boyfriends? Well I thought that if I acted like them then maybe I could get you. No, just act like yourself, that was my fucking problem in the first place. One day you'll get a girl that's lucky to have you, that by far is the worst damn thing you could ever tell a guy. Cause the guy isn't thinking about one day, he's thinking about right now. "Just be patient, she'll come, it takes some time." Well time better hurry its ass up cause Patience when teased is often transformed into Rage...

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