Monday, November 22, 2010

Bullet and A Target

Why do we worship celebrities? Is it because they inspire us to show our full potential? Does it become an obsession if we literally fall in love with one? The idea is ridiculous though, why fall in love with a celebrity, you don't know anything about them. Sure you've seen them in movies, heard some of their music, read a book or a magazine article about them. Is all of this worth the love though? I mean sure we all have our little celebrity crushes, hell I have about like 20+ but still, today I came to a conclusion. I found my ideal girl in Kate Voegele. She is a singer, not very popular, hell I just found out about her from watching One Tree Hill and also my cousin has met her a couple of times. What about her has my mind spinning, what makes her different then all of my past crushes? I don't know that's the thing, she's a great singer, her personality is off the charts, she's incredibly beautiful and let's face it, she's thick in all the right places :). But if I were to come face to face with her, I'd be stuck because you never think that day is going to happen. You never think about the day you get to meet a celebrity your crazy about. But, is it really the celebrity or the idea of them? Should we aim for a target that we could actually hit? If we can't get the "celebrity" should we just settle for our own versions of them. Maybe not get Kate but get a girl with all of the amazing qualities that she possesses. Would it still be enough to satisfy our desire? To me, it wouldn't... I'd be more...

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