Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Right Here

            You know the whole friends forever thing has always been quite intriguing to me. No one really remains friends forever with someone cause well forever is a long time. Guess the same rule applies with the whole relationship/ex-relationship scenario. How one person always says that they’ll be there for the other no matter what happens. I've always been that person. The one to never leave and to always stay true to his word. If the bond has been broken then yes I will become skeptical but damnit I cared about you one time or another, so I’ll still be around. Now sure if I've put in effort multiple times but you haven’t then silence is the only other option. Maybe that’s why I've never really had luck in this department. Instead of being spontaneous, I've always been spot on with what I’m going to do and when I’m going to do it. Even when I’m the one who mentions the spontaneous-ness. I will always have a backup plan that will actually benefit the person that I’m with. Sneaky yes, but I am always looking out for them. Regardless I feel that no matter who I end up with both friend wise and love of my life wise, I will always remain right here to help them. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing… 

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