Monday, April 29, 2013

2 Planets Away / 2 Different Axles

         This weekend made me realize that the future is happening as we speak. The days are going past us by the blink of an eye. Celebrating the fact that some friends of mine graduate within a matter of weeks while I’m still stuck here with nothing to show for it can really make a guy think. Now sure we reminisced about high school and how many people are doing one thing instead of what they should be doing. It got me thinking. I’m still stuck in the same old town. I still have no educational plans aside from attending a shitty community college that I’ve hated since day one. Even if I were attending a decent university, I have no fucking money to support myself because all of the jobs I’ve applied to still salute me with a middle finger. So what in the hell am I doing with my life? That’s the $50 question…

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