Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Carry Traits of a Traumatized Soldier

            Men turn women into bitches. Assholes aren't born they are made. It’s a vicious circle when it comes to relationships. You can only push a person so far until they eventually start pushing back. So that timid soft spoken guy that you knew had a thing for you. You decided to mess around with him and get his mind full of ideas, only to completely obliterate his dreams ultimately causing him to wallow in self-pity and then seek his revenge. There’s just something about this whole Love business that will eventually make you want to fuck with people’s emotions. So that same guy that you knew is no longer alive. Some ruthless motherfucker has taken his place, which is why whenever you randomly decide to contact him he acts like a total dickhead. Now this dickhead will attract a certain female who will fall in love with him in no time. But just how you fucked him over, he will eventually fuck her over. And now you don’t know what to do. I mean you loved him right? But he threw all of that away so there’s only one thing to do, let’s fuck up some new guys’ life. BAM, just like that the Bitch/Asshole circle grows that much wider. And I’m pretty sure this motherfucker is growing on a daily basis. So just be careful with how you treat members of the opposite sex cause sooner or later you’ll be sucked into the circle… 

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