Monday, April 29, 2013

American Terrorist

             Fear struck the lives of so many people a couple of weeks ago. Bombs, explosions, gunfire, etc. Multiple acts of man on man violence well minus the fertilizer plant catching fire but still resulted in something deadly. The search for the Boston Marathon bombers was long and agonizing. And all the while I kept thinking to myself, even if they catch these guys will that change anything? Lives are still changed; hearts are still broken, so even if they were caught, the damage was already done. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later when one of the bombers was dead that I kept reading that they wanted the other one alive. Why? So he can be questioned? That’s reasonable. Because everyone deserves to know why? Absolutely. But again in the end everything still happened and no amount of knowledge will heal those wounds any quicker. The kid’s either going to get multiple life sentences or the chair. Does he deserve it? Justice must be served but it’s not going to change anything. Once he was caught, everyone around the country banded together to celebrate. But I have to ask, when it comes to things of this nature, when it comes to sadistic shit like this that puts everyone’s life in danger, is there really a winner and a loser? Think about it…

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