Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Hands of Fate keep Time on a Heart Shaped Watch

             Different, the feeling of Life at the moment. It feels as if something is out of wack, I can’t explain what it is though. I’m still highly motivated, I’m still very persistent, etc. Nothing about me has changed. I guess it’s because too many things are happening all at once. All good, bad, interesting, annoying, so on. I've learned from things that have happened in the past, that all bad things resolve themselves out and that all good things are worth fighting for. I've also learned that the world tends to throw things at us and not because we've asked for them but to test us. Some of us are given more than one test at a time, the reason being no one will ever truly know. They say that everyone’s fate is already determined. Whether you’re blessed with the chance to wake up in the morning is already destined and planned out for you. Life is only one, so why waste it? Yes, go out and take risks, try some new experiences but have some control and common sense. Don’t go out and punch a cop just because you can cause well that’s your ass. Enjoy life, make new friends, try something new, and be daring. I've learned that to be alive is sacred, we must cherish every moment. I also know, that those who are patient and are strong at heart are determined to be great, no matter how difficult life gets or how confusing it may seem, obstacles that get thrown at us can always be overcome…

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