Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dark Knight Feeling/ I'm Wide Awake

            It was raining and you were cold and tired after a long day, but nothing could ruin this night. The images of emotion, evil, and heroism caught everyone’s attention. You kept cringing at the sight of innocents dying while I kept rubbing your leg assuring you that you needn’t be worried. Putting your head on my shoulder, I knew for a fact that comfort had fully settled itself into you, guess the couple of kisses to the forehead helped. A force in you decided to act on some urge and you grabbed my hand for what felt like hours but in reality was a couple of minutes, whatever the case it was wonderful. Towards the end while our hands were still together, something revealing immediately made me jump causing my hand to twitch which you found cute and made you smile. The adventure had ended, only to have another one begin. The drive home was quite a distance but felt short for some reason, we stopped at our hangout different location but still the same place. We went to your home and not the current one but the one before it. You showed me your baby, four paws and all. There was something about you that night, you seemed content, relaxed. I was so hyped with everything going on but I was still able to identify the high levels of happiness from within ourselves. We finally went home, my home, and we both got comfy still trying to figure out what the hell we just saw and how spectacular it was. You laid down and I simply just had to take a quick moment to take in the sight. I laid down next to you and the night ended with my arms wrapped around you and you silently falling asleep. As I watched you just fade away into dream world, I kept thinking to myself “how in the hell could I be so lucky?”
            I woke up but this time it wasn’t a dream, I actually woke up to you beside me. A smile hit my face, probably the biggest smile that I’ve ever had. Maybe it was the moment, the fact I wasn’t dreaming or the 4 hours of sleep I had, whatever it was it felt right. It felt as if nothing could ruin this morning. I brought in my puppy, all 3 of us just played around and cuddled for an hour or so. We finally got up, got ready and headed out for breakfast. When we came back, you were having a long conversation on the phone while I just sat on the bed of my truck and looked up at the sky. I knew that the whole saying goodbye for the time being part was going to suck. So finally you came towards me we hugged for a while, we kissed and you left to go to work. I paced in my mind back and forth between joy and sadness. And even though I was able to see you later that night, I still knew that as soon as I got home and went to bed, waking up in the morning was going to be brutal. Happiness only lasts a short while unfortunately. Which I didn’t fully realize until I woke up the next morning alone, wondering where the hell you went and why in the hell our perfect day had to end…

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