Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's Like I'm Going Insane

          Maybe that’s why my chest has been hurting. I’ve been missing something out of the norm, something I was used to seeing on an everyday basis and since that has stopped I’ve been in physical pain. Now, it’s not severe pain but it is rather uncomfortable. It’s not the work out; it’s the missing link that’s not working out. I feel like I’m lacking in something, now sure it’s only been a couple of days but I’ll be damned if shit hasn’t changed. I thought I was crazy before; I’m mental cruising down to schizophrenic now. When I said that you changed me, I wasn’t joking. I’m a star but you’re the shine behind it and these past couple of days, I’ve been at my dimmest. The environment feels different, I FUCKING MISS YOU is spray painted on the walls in my mind. Hearts are painted all over with the biggest one including a bat-symbol in the center. My mind is racing, thoughts of you taking over at least 75% of it. My creativity now spews out without any true thought. I produce word vomit so raw that public speakers stare at me with a “what the fuck” look but it is not of disgust but astonishment. Like I’ve said in the past what I write, the images I paint can leave you breathless. I know that once the next embrace comes I will be inhaling every single moment as if it’s the oxygen we as human beings need to survive. No medications, no therapy, just words on a piece of paper. Now sure, I may be ranting on like a mad man but that’s because mad men are usually missing something. So call me mad, I don’t care because I am missing something… You. 

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