Monday, July 30, 2012

Wish I Was Average

Reminiscing over my past crushes/ loves, I've come to realize one thing...I had no idea as to what the hell I was feeling. Now sure, some of said crushes have had their own posts but even then now that I look back at it, was it really love? Let's face it, as a hopeless romantic, I tend to want what I want when I can get it. So if I'm attracted to you and I have a shot then by golly, I shall try my best. Even then however, I don't think any of these girls were the real L status, they were mainly obstacles that my heart had to go through in order for it to grow stronger and ultimately fall into the hands of that one goofy Angel that's been in my life for the past couple of months. Now, you may be asking "Richard, what makes your angel different then any of the girls from your past?" Well, here's the thing about angels. They are quite rare for those who actually believe in them. So if you happen to see one, you have to embrace them and cherish every single second they spend with you for true beauty is incredibly hard to find. Sure this angel has had an intense life, from her childhood all the way to right now, and you want to know the weird thing about it? I would gladly give up my sanity and health to take all of her darkness and switch it with nothing but joy and happiness. So you know why I say that those past moments don't count because none of them felt like this. Dr. Seuss once said," When you are in Love, you can't fall asleep because your Reality is better than your Dreams." I guess that's why whenever she graces me with her presence, I never want that moment to end...

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