Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everything That Shines Ain't Always Gonna Be Gold

The great Thomas Wayne once said," Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." Life as you may know, has been the topic of a lot of my posts so today shall be no different. Life tends to throw certain things at you from time to time, hell sometimes everything at once. The way we deal with it, is the way we'll be able to finally be satisfied with our lives. Now, there comes a point in life where we immediately shut down and have to basically just sit and figure out the decisions that will effect our present and our futures. I am a fond believer that Emotions are not a weakness, rather they make you stronger as a person. I used to be the type of person that would bottle up every little thing just so no one would know something was wrong, once I learned to release all this built up rage and sorrow, it started making my life easier to deal with.  We all have an inner demon working within the confines of our minds, the demon is the one that listens to our problems the most because while we're handling the shit outside of our minds, he's working at the front desk on the inside. This little bastard is tricky however, if he tends to not like a current situation, he'll start filling your mind with all sorts of mixed signals. For instance, after my dad passed away, I was an emotional wreck.   How can I prove that, well if your reading my blog, you know its true. That's when my demonic side started coming out. That's when I started cutting classes, started lashing out towards my family and friends. I became completely depressed and obsolete, it almost came down to the point where I wanted to see a shrink just to see what the hell was going on. But I learned that my demonic side was always going to be a part of me. Hell , to this day he still pops up. I'm usually a happy, go lucky guy but on those days where my emotions are on my sleeve, that's the negative side of me walking around while my nice guy side stays on the sidelines.
    Happiness and Time are the keys to everything. There is always a choice when it comes down to making a difficult decision. If the choices all make you very happy, then that is where your future comes into play. Which choice is the best for your future? Maybe choice A makes you very happy but you don't really see yourself enjoying it a couple of years from now, then that makes choice B your final decision. Because it makes you happy and will continue doing so. Now sure, it may take some time to decide on the choices and it will slowly destroy you from the inside out. But when your old and gray, looking back on your life and realizing that your life may have been hard, you'll realize that the ultimate choice you made was well worth the wait...

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