Monday, November 22, 2010

My Heart is Connected to the Ink in my Pen

What do women want? Nobody knows because women are magician's. They show you affection and kindness, they make you think many things are easily possible. Just when you feel fully satisfied, they take out the rabbit from their hat and all hell breaks loose. As a man, Women are a very confusing subject but then again I'm pretty sure us guys are confusing to women too. Men however are easily satisfied with whatever you give them, women on the other hand you have to work your ass off just to impress them, let's not even mention trying to get a date. So what do they really want? What do they look for in a man? They want a man whose caring and loves to talk about his feelings and cuddle, hell no. They like a jerk, an asshole, the type of guy that will easily bang one of his girl's girlfriends. Does it only work for certain guys though? I mean sure I can act like a jerk to an extreme amount but considering I already have a complex as the sweet guy that listens, when I act like an ass, girls become too damn sensitive."Why are you being this way?" What way damnit, oh you mean like all your past boyfriends? Well I thought that if I acted like them then maybe I could get you. No, just act like yourself, that was my fucking problem in the first place. One day you'll get a girl that's lucky to have you, that by far is the worst damn thing you could ever tell a guy. Cause the guy isn't thinking about one day, he's thinking about right now. "Just be patient, she'll come, it takes some time." Well time better hurry its ass up cause Patience when teased is often transformed into Rage...

Bullet and A Target

Why do we worship celebrities? Is it because they inspire us to show our full potential? Does it become an obsession if we literally fall in love with one? The idea is ridiculous though, why fall in love with a celebrity, you don't know anything about them. Sure you've seen them in movies, heard some of their music, read a book or a magazine article about them. Is all of this worth the love though? I mean sure we all have our little celebrity crushes, hell I have about like 20+ but still, today I came to a conclusion. I found my ideal girl in Kate Voegele. She is a singer, not very popular, hell I just found out about her from watching One Tree Hill and also my cousin has met her a couple of times. What about her has my mind spinning, what makes her different then all of my past crushes? I don't know that's the thing, she's a great singer, her personality is off the charts, she's incredibly beautiful and let's face it, she's thick in all the right places :). But if I were to come face to face with her, I'd be stuck because you never think that day is going to happen. You never think about the day you get to meet a celebrity your crazy about. But, is it really the celebrity or the idea of them? Should we aim for a target that we could actually hit? If we can't get the "celebrity" should we just settle for our own versions of them. Maybe not get Kate but get a girl with all of the amazing qualities that she possesses. Would it still be enough to satisfy our desire? To me, it wouldn't... I'd be more...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'd Like You To Meet My Wife, Oh Honey!

We often tend to go with our natural instincts on things. Met this guy today that must've been getting an anal raping every night. He wanted to have a screaming contest over nothing! And by nothing I mean a little door-door contact. It was a tap, a friendly handshake amongst those of the door-kind. And what did this moody little bitch do, he decides to get out of the car and start bitching and complaining to my grandma and mom. Even goes to the point of calling my grandmother retarded and a drunk. So here I come in acting like a smart ass but with the winning end of the verbal beat down. He starts talking all Mr. PhD in physics and all I did was clap and congratulate him. So what kind of shitty day/week/month have you had to up and freak the fuck out when something little happens? I mean my life in the previous months has been some shit but I wouldn't act like a total bitch just to prove a point. My blood was boiling after our little spat, so much so that I was shaking but cause I wanted to whoop that ass. I guess things tend to happen to those who have been bad and/or have done bad by others. So I want this man to meet my lovely lady, her name is Karma and she's a real bitch. I love this girl, she's talented at what she does, if you treat her well then she'll reward you with multiple delights. Double cross her and she'll personally, emotionally, and psychologically fuck you in every uncomfortable position invented by man. So this guy better prepare himself, he's got the biggest fucking of his life coming to him, he better put on a wet-suit, it's gonna be an uncomfortable ride...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Small Step For... No One

You know they say don't judge a book by its cover. If you had to though, what would my cover have on it? Nice guy, good listener, good smile, etc etc. But would this book get sold to the proper group of readers? Hell No, do you know why? It's because no one wants to read anything generic. Especially when it comes to a specific group: Good looking, Athletic, Asshole. These are the words that appeal to today's society of women. The "It's okay if he treats me like shit, as long as he has a nice bod," type of group. It's all nonsense if you ask me, sure I may be eating some sour grapes but it's true. Why go for the jock who you know will cheat on you? Why not the nerdy band geek who will treat you right? But I guess it's just the balance of things, the chain of command. The rich and powerful are destined for riches and power. The hardworking business man who started from the ground up is still going to have to work his ass off, even though he's been working his entire life. The hopeless romantic, will certainly have a couple flings, but he will remain romantically hopeless. "Maybe if I was a jerk to girls, instead of being nice and speaking kind words. Then maybe it would be okay to say then, that I wasn't a good guy to begin with." Everything comes down to stepping on the moon's surface because sure you'll make history but that history that you thought would change your life, it did but sooner or later it will disappear and it will certainly become history...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Something In Nothingness

A dream is defined as a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. It is something of an unreal beauty, charm or fancy. But do dreams define us? Because you dream of fast cars and lots of cash, does that mean that you are destined to become rich and powerful when your older? What if you dream of emptiness? For example, I've often dream't that I am headed home to a world I once knew, but when I arrive my house is empty. No furniture, no paint, even the lights seem to of vanished. So would this dream, be considered a dream? Or does it fall under the torturous nightmare category? Does a dream define us? Does it tell us how we are going to live our lives and if it does, then how are you to remember? Dreams tend to become forgotten after the first couple of minutes you wake up. Then why do Nightmares, live with you forever? You remember them as if they stole a part of your soul and every time you close your eyes, it's like your fighting to get it back. I read somewhere that, "History, is a nightmare from which I am trying to wake." Because we make history everyday, even though we can't feel it, does that mean that our nightmares rule our world? Do Nightmares Define Us?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Like A Man Possessed

Things haven't been as bad as they once were. Does that mean that I'm simply just being teased by a greater force? A force that knows my weaknesses, my strengths, my life from the biggest event to the shirt I wore on my first day of school. A force that takes the evil as well as gives it to you. Something/Someone that looks upon us as if we're just pawns on a chess board and every stage of our life is a space that has been infiltrated. When we yell, cry, fear; maybe it's not us but the force inside of us. Are we not just puppets on a string, waiting to be manipulated at just the right time? Maybe Love is part of this force's doing, they say love is blind; or is it only blind because it does not want us to see it. The heart wants what it wants, or is something inside of us making the heart want something. We are basically just numbers on a clock, ticking away until we take our final breath, horses chasing after one-another for the finish line, or are we just men possessed, unknowing of our true power so something sets us back, therefore controlling us completely and making us vulnerable, so that we may endure more pain later...