Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Happened When He Bought The Rose?

For my female readers,

If a man were to buy you a rose, what would be your immediate reaction? Would you take it with a big smile and give him a hug in return, probably not because you'd be too busy thinking, "Who in the hell are you and why are you giving me this?" You see back in the old days when a man gave a woman a rose, he was considered a gentleman. He would open the door for her, he would ask her about her day, ask her what her interest are, her goals for her future. What her favorite meal was, just so he could surprise her with it on they're first date. But now, guys have become such dick-heads that once a gentleman actually comes into play, the female gets confused. He pays for her when they go to the movies and she yells at him in return. He buys her some jewelry and she wears it but only because it cost him a good amount of money. Females now don't understand the meaning and value of a true gentleman because all the trash that they have previously been with weren't raised to respect them. I'm not saying that every man is perfect because no one is but when it comes to women, the gentleman knows a thing or two. The only shame is that there are so few gentlemen left that soon enough, we're all going to become obsolete. Then the women won't know what they were missing... and then it's going to be too late to find out.

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