Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Look At The Inkblot, Tell Me What You See

In the beginning, the tattoo was used amongst people with great stories (kings, queens, warriors, tribal leaders). They showed that you had power, glory, anything and everything to show that you were worthy amongst the Gods. Nowadays, if you are seen with a tattoo, you get looked at and ridiculed. Your seen as a drug dealer, drug user, a substance abuser, an all out monster. Why? Why did such a tradition of showing the people around you what you've been through, get changed to so much shit, that now it makes people hide their ink. Sure certain tattoos represent mischievous things but the smart people who dedicate their canvas' known as skin to the artist, so they can show the world their stories, ones filled with cherishing memories and others with memories they want to, but cant forget, those people deserve praise and compassion. I once read, "Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." So ridicule me all you want, you can call me a loser and a druggie but I know who I am. In the future, my skin will show my kids, my family and the world of the things that mean most to me, the things I can never forget and what ultimately defines me... as Me...

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