Monday, October 11, 2010

Blow Out Your Candles

Theres only 3 simple instructions to follow with the candle tradition: 1) Set yourself up on your chair, 2) Think about your wish whilst people sing and 3) blow out your candles. Maybe its just tradition or perhaps there really is some supernatural powers behind it but every year on the day of your birthday you get to make a wish. Now it can be anything simple from money or toys/accessories to something ridiculous like hoping your last ex gets a broken leg. But I guess for me, I have to analyze the things I have, to the things I don't have to the things that are impossible for me to grasp. My past wishes have never come true considering I've usually wished for a crazy amount of money, but for the past two years my wish has remained constant. I won't ruin it but I'm betting that if you take a peak at my other blogs, you can guess what I want. It's interesting though isn't it, maybe this whole wish thing is actually a real life situation you just gotta be patient but if that's the case, then am I setting myself up for disappointment for wishing to see someone I won't be able to see in some time. Or because I continue to wish for this, does this specify that my own demise will be coming to me in a short time period. Whatever the outcome, I can't help but to feel that I'm going to be happily disappointed, could this very wish result in my own Beautiful Disaster?

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