Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You Don't Remember Me, Do You?

It's soul wrenching when you see somebody that you haven't seen for a long time and they just don't acknowledge you. And it's always somebody that you have history with, you went to Elementary, Middle, and High School together. Best friends throughout the entire damn thing, and then in comes College and your a fucking ghost to them. Or maybe your history isn't even that advanced but you still have history with the person, you helped them out of a tough situation, you comforted them when they needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. Stuff people write in the yearbooks are always filled with things like, "I'll never forget you," or "don't forget about me." And then when you see them and give that person a hug or give them a handshake, you think to yourself, "You don't even remember who the fuck I am, so why are you pretending to be all nice..." It's a mystery isn't it. The stuff that used be is no longer what it once was. The stuff that was very near and dear to you is now just a speck being taken in the wind. Friends are like haircuts, it doesn't matter how long you have a friend in your life eventually the friendship will be cut off. It will be put in place by another friendship just to be cut off again, until one day your old and grey with no hair on your head wondering what the hell happened to all of your so called "Friends..."

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