Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Lot of Father's Showing Off, Instead of Showing Up

Theodore Hesburgh once wrote," The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." In a couple of hours it will be my dad's birthday, he would've turned 44. Now, I for one loved my dad to an extreme amount. Now in my honest opinion, I think that every kid deserves each parent. This is why it pisses me off whenever I see a girl that's just a teenager with a baby bump and the baby daddy isn't doing a damn thing to help her. For example, I knew a couple of guys during high school that got their girlfriends pregnant. As soon as they found out they were like, "Alright, well it was great knowing you, call me after 9 months and we'll talk." And then they go with some other girl, like if nothing ever happened. Really? Your not a fucking man if you do that shit, you can't just dump the girl just because she's going to have a baby. It's your baby too, so that makes it even more fucked up. A father is supposed to be there for his kids, share his wisdom, his joy, hell even his fears. That's why I've already decided that whenever I'm lucky enough to have kids, I'm going to love them and care about them. I hope to be that cool dad, the one that all my kid's friends go " Mr. G, your so beast!" I can already tell I'm going to be a bitchin' dad, do you want to know how? Cause I learned from the best...

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