Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Leave Females In My Sheets And All My Feelings In A Rubber

Edmund Burke wrote, "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." So it has come to my attention that certain females in today's world love a little abuse. Now, I'm for girls liking assholes and stuff, but if the dude is actually putting his hands on you and whooping your ass, then I think it's time to either call the cops or call a doctor, cause something is wrong. And do you want to know the worst part? The girls go back to the abuse. What the Fuck for? For instance, I know of this one girl who is currently dating this guy that apparently abuses her. The guy was in my last post about the guys bailing on their pregnant girlfriends. Apparently, this guy has beat quite a few of his past flames and the weird thing is, they have all run back to him. I actually asked one of my friends, what the big attraction was towards this jackass and she told me that, "Girls love a bad boy." So I immediately said, "Well yea, but I bet they don't love the part where they're getting their ass kicked by him." Seriously, has it come to the point in today's world where in order to get full satisfaction out of a guy, you'll just let him beat you around a bit. I mean God damnit, I always wondered what the hell was wrong with me because I couldn't get a girl to notice me. Now I realize that its because I wasn't making a little fist to face action? And girls wonder why the hell guys don't understand any of their shit, interesting isn't it...

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