Monday, June 20, 2011

Life Is Your Professor

Winston Churchill wrote, "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." As Graduation time approaches and leaves us once again, I can't help but feel a little sad and confused. Sad mainly for those who are going to lose friendships, friendships that damn near took them 12+ years to create. I know first hand. In High School you have your group of friends and it could be a really big group but by the time your first semester of college comes along, that big group of your friends tends to decline at least by one person everyday. When you realize it, you now have a small circle of friends and all of those people that once populated your group are now just faceless statues filling up space in your memories. The confused part comes with Time. Time, as we all know, is probably the hardest thing to ever understand. It seems like just months ago that I graduated from High School, when in reality it has already been 2 years. Now, I haven't done much in these 2 years, except for create a blog, lose my heart, and lose my mind. But even then we as humans tend to take time for granted on account that we're always thinking that Time will always be here with us. When in fact, we'll be here one second and never know what the hell happened to us the next. So to anyone who reads this that has graduated or will graduate, just remember. Don't take things, mainly Life for granted, it's our only one so might as well have as much fun as possible. They say Life is a test. But most of the time, Life is a 500 question exam with 3 Essays and not even you may know the topic...

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