Monday, June 20, 2011

Life Is Your Professor

Winston Churchill wrote, "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." As Graduation time approaches and leaves us once again, I can't help but feel a little sad and confused. Sad mainly for those who are going to lose friendships, friendships that damn near took them 12+ years to create. I know first hand. In High School you have your group of friends and it could be a really big group but by the time your first semester of college comes along, that big group of your friends tends to decline at least by one person everyday. When you realize it, you now have a small circle of friends and all of those people that once populated your group are now just faceless statues filling up space in your memories. The confused part comes with Time. Time, as we all know, is probably the hardest thing to ever understand. It seems like just months ago that I graduated from High School, when in reality it has already been 2 years. Now, I haven't done much in these 2 years, except for create a blog, lose my heart, and lose my mind. But even then we as humans tend to take time for granted on account that we're always thinking that Time will always be here with us. When in fact, we'll be here one second and never know what the hell happened to us the next. So to anyone who reads this that has graduated or will graduate, just remember. Don't take things, mainly Life for granted, it's our only one so might as well have as much fun as possible. They say Life is a test. But most of the time, Life is a 500 question exam with 3 Essays and not even you may know the topic...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Leave Females In My Sheets And All My Feelings In A Rubber

Edmund Burke wrote, "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." So it has come to my attention that certain females in today's world love a little abuse. Now, I'm for girls liking assholes and stuff, but if the dude is actually putting his hands on you and whooping your ass, then I think it's time to either call the cops or call a doctor, cause something is wrong. And do you want to know the worst part? The girls go back to the abuse. What the Fuck for? For instance, I know of this one girl who is currently dating this guy that apparently abuses her. The guy was in my last post about the guys bailing on their pregnant girlfriends. Apparently, this guy has beat quite a few of his past flames and the weird thing is, they have all run back to him. I actually asked one of my friends, what the big attraction was towards this jackass and she told me that, "Girls love a bad boy." So I immediately said, "Well yea, but I bet they don't love the part where they're getting their ass kicked by him." Seriously, has it come to the point in today's world where in order to get full satisfaction out of a guy, you'll just let him beat you around a bit. I mean God damnit, I always wondered what the hell was wrong with me because I couldn't get a girl to notice me. Now I realize that its because I wasn't making a little fist to face action? And girls wonder why the hell guys don't understand any of their shit, interesting isn't it...

A Lot of Father's Showing Off, Instead of Showing Up

Theodore Hesburgh once wrote," The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." In a couple of hours it will be my dad's birthday, he would've turned 44. Now, I for one loved my dad to an extreme amount. Now in my honest opinion, I think that every kid deserves each parent. This is why it pisses me off whenever I see a girl that's just a teenager with a baby bump and the baby daddy isn't doing a damn thing to help her. For example, I knew a couple of guys during high school that got their girlfriends pregnant. As soon as they found out they were like, "Alright, well it was great knowing you, call me after 9 months and we'll talk." And then they go with some other girl, like if nothing ever happened. Really? Your not a fucking man if you do that shit, you can't just dump the girl just because she's going to have a baby. It's your baby too, so that makes it even more fucked up. A father is supposed to be there for his kids, share his wisdom, his joy, hell even his fears. That's why I've already decided that whenever I'm lucky enough to have kids, I'm going to love them and care about them. I hope to be that cool dad, the one that all my kid's friends go " Mr. G, your so beast!" I can already tell I'm going to be a bitchin' dad, do you want to know how? Cause I learned from the best...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You Don't Remember Me, Do You?

It's soul wrenching when you see somebody that you haven't seen for a long time and they just don't acknowledge you. And it's always somebody that you have history with, you went to Elementary, Middle, and High School together. Best friends throughout the entire damn thing, and then in comes College and your a fucking ghost to them. Or maybe your history isn't even that advanced but you still have history with the person, you helped them out of a tough situation, you comforted them when they needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. Stuff people write in the yearbooks are always filled with things like, "I'll never forget you," or "don't forget about me." And then when you see them and give that person a hug or give them a handshake, you think to yourself, "You don't even remember who the fuck I am, so why are you pretending to be all nice..." It's a mystery isn't it. The stuff that used be is no longer what it once was. The stuff that was very near and dear to you is now just a speck being taken in the wind. Friends are like haircuts, it doesn't matter how long you have a friend in your life eventually the friendship will be cut off. It will be put in place by another friendship just to be cut off again, until one day your old and grey with no hair on your head wondering what the hell happened to all of your so called "Friends..."