Monday, October 18, 2010

Final Episode- The Reason We Sometimes Cry

Television has been around for many years. New shows come and go like seasons during a year. But it's always those old shows that get to us. The shows that we've started since the Pilot , all the way down to the final episode. Once the final episode hits, you can't help but to cry because even if the show has been with you for a couple of seasons it has still had some sort of impact on you and/or your life. For instance, I remember watching Friends everyday from the very first episode up until the show was finally over after 10 years and when the final credits hit, tears started strolling down my cheek. It was because I was both sad and happy that the show taught me multiple things in life. That 70's show was one that also hit me but none have hit me harder then when I saw the finale of Scrubs. Even though I never actually saw Scrubs on TV., watching it now makes me wish I had. The characters, the dialogue, the multiple jokes and hell the multiple heart breaks, actually showed me that not everything they show on TV is nonsense. Scrubs taught me that life has its ups and downs that one day you can be saving someone's life and the other you can be watching them dying. It's the way you get through those times that defines you as a person. It taught me that daydreaming never hurts anyone and that sometimes if you do fantasize, maybe your wishes will come true at least one time. So when a show finally ends and people wonder why your crying about it, you don't have to tell them. Because you yourself know that it changed your life, even if it was just for one second.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Think Positive: The Negativity Story

People often say that if you think positively throughout your day, then positive things will happen to you. My family is BIG on doing the whole positive thing and they always ride my ass whenever I say its all nonsense. I humor them from time to time though but still you can call it fate or whatever I still end up getting the opposite from positive. For instance, the day I sprained my ankle, at work the weather was perfect, we only had to do a couple of houses, hell I was even gonna go to Kingsdominion the following day and BAM. I fall, see a shade of dark blue wash over my eyes and instantly start screaming. Now I was thinking positively but as you can see it was a negative outcome. Maybe thinking positively only comes in certain circumstances. Maybe for everything else you just have to let your life take its course. So would that mean that we all have to be a little negative once in a while too? Or should we always think neutral so that the outcome can remain a surprise? No one person can be ultimately full of positive energy because once the first glimpse of negativity enters their system, its a full blown downward spiral.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Look At The Inkblot, Tell Me What You See

In the beginning, the tattoo was used amongst people with great stories (kings, queens, warriors, tribal leaders). They showed that you had power, glory, anything and everything to show that you were worthy amongst the Gods. Nowadays, if you are seen with a tattoo, you get looked at and ridiculed. Your seen as a drug dealer, drug user, a substance abuser, an all out monster. Why? Why did such a tradition of showing the people around you what you've been through, get changed to so much shit, that now it makes people hide their ink. Sure certain tattoos represent mischievous things but the smart people who dedicate their canvas' known as skin to the artist, so they can show the world their stories, ones filled with cherishing memories and others with memories they want to, but cant forget, those people deserve praise and compassion. I once read, "Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." So ridicule me all you want, you can call me a loser and a druggie but I know who I am. In the future, my skin will show my kids, my family and the world of the things that mean most to me, the things I can never forget and what ultimately defines me... as Me...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Happened When He Bought The Rose?

For my female readers,

If a man were to buy you a rose, what would be your immediate reaction? Would you take it with a big smile and give him a hug in return, probably not because you'd be too busy thinking, "Who in the hell are you and why are you giving me this?" You see back in the old days when a man gave a woman a rose, he was considered a gentleman. He would open the door for her, he would ask her about her day, ask her what her interest are, her goals for her future. What her favorite meal was, just so he could surprise her with it on they're first date. But now, guys have become such dick-heads that once a gentleman actually comes into play, the female gets confused. He pays for her when they go to the movies and she yells at him in return. He buys her some jewelry and she wears it but only because it cost him a good amount of money. Females now don't understand the meaning and value of a true gentleman because all the trash that they have previously been with weren't raised to respect them. I'm not saying that every man is perfect because no one is but when it comes to women, the gentleman knows a thing or two. The only shame is that there are so few gentlemen left that soon enough, we're all going to become obsolete. Then the women won't know what they were missing... and then it's going to be too late to find out.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blow Out Your Candles

Theres only 3 simple instructions to follow with the candle tradition: 1) Set yourself up on your chair, 2) Think about your wish whilst people sing and 3) blow out your candles. Maybe its just tradition or perhaps there really is some supernatural powers behind it but every year on the day of your birthday you get to make a wish. Now it can be anything simple from money or toys/accessories to something ridiculous like hoping your last ex gets a broken leg. But I guess for me, I have to analyze the things I have, to the things I don't have to the things that are impossible for me to grasp. My past wishes have never come true considering I've usually wished for a crazy amount of money, but for the past two years my wish has remained constant. I won't ruin it but I'm betting that if you take a peak at my other blogs, you can guess what I want. It's interesting though isn't it, maybe this whole wish thing is actually a real life situation you just gotta be patient but if that's the case, then am I setting myself up for disappointment for wishing to see someone I won't be able to see in some time. Or because I continue to wish for this, does this specify that my own demise will be coming to me in a short time period. Whatever the outcome, I can't help but to feel that I'm going to be happily disappointed, could this very wish result in my own Beautiful Disaster?