Thursday, January 10, 2013

If I'm Going to be King

         She is very unique. We met each other in math class one semester a while back. I never really put too much effort into “hollering” at her cause well I knew she had a boyfriend. “But wait Richard, that’s never stopped you before…” Thank you reader, I know it hasn’t this case was different though. This was back when my give a fuck was still intact. So about a month ago, a distant relative passed away and this girl came back into my life. All over a simple comment on a social networking site. So we began talking, I found out she was recently single and it wasn’t until we hung out that I also found out that me and this girl are basically the same damn person. For instance, she loves Batman, that’s already an A+ in my book. She enjoys all types of music, I for one am more of a rap enthusiast but also enjoy other works. We have certain knowledge about life and some of the rough roads that it contains. We can make each other laugh and not just laugh but crack the hell up when need be. Our motivations and goals match. We both have that same passion and ambition for what we want to do with our lives. Hers is becoming a lawyer and mine; well you all know what mine is. With her, it feels different more intriguing much more heartfelt. I can feel a sense of accomplishment because of her. Who knows I may have finally found that special person to sit on the throne beside me…

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