Monday, January 21, 2013

Greatness meets Greatness

I had a dream where I was joined by arts finest. Musicians, painters and poets. They were giving me all of their wisdom and knowledge, the things I can grow old with.
My words, they said, are a combination of wonder and greatness. Van Gogh and Mark Twain laughed with joy while Jay-Z made a statement.
Edgar Allan Poe was intrigued by the mystery, while Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder wondered about the images they were envisioning.
Mozart and Beethoven raised a glass with Shakespeare and Frieda Carlo. Richard Pryor, Abe Lincoln, and Malcolm X were singing karaoke with Bono.
Kanye West and Jimi Hendrix pulled me to the side to spill what they considered a thrill. They said my words spoke out to the kids like a cross between Da Vinci and Lauren Hill. They intoxicate the mind like F. Scot Fitzgerald and Stephen King, while the rhythm is notorious like Biggie’s will.
I was praised by Johnny Cash and Michael Jackson. My work is still in progress nothing fantastic has happened.
They said they celebrated my greatness, even though I am just starting they could sense that I will make it.
I stood up on stage, with one final glance at the crowd. I said all of my gratitude, spilling my heart out loud. With a glass held high, I promised never to let my fellow greats down. I sipped on my drink, closed my eyes, and gave one final bow… 

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