Monday, January 21, 2013

Greatness meets Greatness

I had a dream where I was joined by arts finest. Musicians, painters and poets. They were giving me all of their wisdom and knowledge, the things I can grow old with.
My words, they said, are a combination of wonder and greatness. Van Gogh and Mark Twain laughed with joy while Jay-Z made a statement.
Edgar Allan Poe was intrigued by the mystery, while Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder wondered about the images they were envisioning.
Mozart and Beethoven raised a glass with Shakespeare and Frieda Carlo. Richard Pryor, Abe Lincoln, and Malcolm X were singing karaoke with Bono.
Kanye West and Jimi Hendrix pulled me to the side to spill what they considered a thrill. They said my words spoke out to the kids like a cross between Da Vinci and Lauren Hill. They intoxicate the mind like F. Scot Fitzgerald and Stephen King, while the rhythm is notorious like Biggie’s will.
I was praised by Johnny Cash and Michael Jackson. My work is still in progress nothing fantastic has happened.
They said they celebrated my greatness, even though I am just starting they could sense that I will make it.
I stood up on stage, with one final glance at the crowd. I said all of my gratitude, spilling my heart out loud. With a glass held high, I promised never to let my fellow greats down. I sipped on my drink, closed my eyes, and gave one final bow… 

We Can Both Be Insane: A True Love Story Pt. 3

           I know this is long overdue and it was supposed to be the ending of the True Love Story Trilogy. I decided to switch it up a bit, well more like give you my interpretation of what I think Love is. The feeling that makes your soul rise and your fears sink. Is the exact same feeling that makes your dreams seem like a reality just because they are by your side. It’s powerful and confusing yet the most heartwarming sensation. I used to be a real fool when it came down to love. Always falling carelessly without even thinking about what the hell I was really doing. Or better yet who the hell I was really falling for. It wasn’t until I really analyzed everything that I found out that love is no joke. It’s a force we can’t reckon with, something that if you’re not careful can really bite you on the ass. If you embrace it and let it into your life it will greet you with the softest of touches and will basically just make you a better person. Now sure it mainly depends on who you fall in love with because certain people will just use you to get what they want and then fuck you over. But when you find that one special person that you’re willing to protect by all means. The one person who never brings a dull moment to the table and no matter how many times you see each other, each time is special. That’s when you know.
            Guess the same rule applies with your friends. Hell, they wouldn’t be your friends if you couldn’t act a certain way with them. So I guess my main point is that Happiness comes pretty often in life. Surround yourself with happy people, whether it’s family, friends, or the one who has your heart in a chokehold. But as long as they are by your side, there is nowhere to go but up. Someone once said, “To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.” 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

If I'm Going to be King

         She is very unique. We met each other in math class one semester a while back. I never really put too much effort into “hollering” at her cause well I knew she had a boyfriend. “But wait Richard, that’s never stopped you before…” Thank you reader, I know it hasn’t this case was different though. This was back when my give a fuck was still intact. So about a month ago, a distant relative passed away and this girl came back into my life. All over a simple comment on a social networking site. So we began talking, I found out she was recently single and it wasn’t until we hung out that I also found out that me and this girl are basically the same damn person. For instance, she loves Batman, that’s already an A+ in my book. She enjoys all types of music, I for one am more of a rap enthusiast but also enjoy other works. We have certain knowledge about life and some of the rough roads that it contains. We can make each other laugh and not just laugh but crack the hell up when need be. Our motivations and goals match. We both have that same passion and ambition for what we want to do with our lives. Hers is becoming a lawyer and mine; well you all know what mine is. With her, it feels different more intriguing much more heartfelt. I can feel a sense of accomplishment because of her. Who knows I may have finally found that special person to sit on the throne beside me…

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Quill

            It’s a new year, new plans old courage. The same shit from last year doesn’t affect me, don’t worry. I feel my skills getting stronger, just by thinking I’m able to make crazy shit that spooks me. I’ve realized that if I want to make it the way I want to, I have to have a whole different mentality. I’m going in strong this year, the same old me just more passionate about things. My ambition is at an all time high, I can feel just fucking greatness engulfing my soul. And I know actions speak louder than words but damnit just you wait. My passion for my words will take me to where I want to go. The great Dave Chappelle once said, “I’m gonna be something. I’m either gonna be a legend or that tragic fucking story, but I’m going full throttle. I’m going all the way.” I couldn’t have said it better myself…