Monday, December 31, 2012

Deuces are Wild

I always fall for the taken girl. No matter how old I get, I never seem to learn. And when I say fall, well you guys know it’s to the ocean floor. The months from when I was fired to about Halloween had me really thinking about life and love and the whole gist of it. Now sure, it could also be due to the high amount of alcohol that’s been put into my system but I digress. During said months, I wrote two short stories both tying into one another and both about the events that transpired within those six months with a bit of a fictitious side to them. Things tend to go in a direction that we don’t quite understand and hell we never will. Sure it’s a real bitch once you get to a place where there’s nothing to do but reminisce. One day though you will end up with a sort of clarity and the shit that you spent endless hours thinking about will just settle down and you’ll be able to rebuild yourself. Now I won’t deny that I missed the “angel” a heavy amount throughout those months but knowing that she’s happy was what allowed me to finally move on. Like I said in my list of the things I learned. From a negative there will always be a positive after it.
            During these past couple of weeks, I’ve gotten to know this true beauty of a girl. She’s quite amazing and very down to earth. I’m glad we’ve been able to bond like we have and I feel that us together will be one incredible force of nature.  I won’t go into too much detail especially since I have a couple of other works going on. But I will say this, I couldn’t be happier than I am right now with her. And as far as the past goes, at least I can finally say that I had a first love and that I was able to fully experience what the word meant both good and bad. And if you think about it, it's not about your first love, its about your last one...

P.S. to all of my readers, get ready… 2013, I’m coming at you full throttle…


  1. It seems you have learned a lot this past year so you have been quite the busy bee.... It is nice to see you are being more positive in light of everything you have been through... We, your readers are interested about this new mystery girl you speak of and are glad she makes you feel happy, you deserve it ...we look forward to hearing more about it in your later posts...
    This is going to be a better year for you, we can already see it...

  2. Its great life has moved up and on and I look forward to see more of your work. Deep down a strong person and on the outside a fierce driven individual. Put your stories in other peoples lives and they couldn't do the things you have done. why have you not wrote a book yet or put your stories in papers? your much more then meets the eye. Keep writing everyday
