Monday, December 31, 2012

The Art of Learning

Things I learned this year:
·         Actions really do speak louder than words.
·         Being in love gives you an incredible boost of confidence.
·         That same love can easily tear you up inside.
·         Live life in the moment and worry about the pain later. The pain will be incredible and not all at once but short bursts.
·         The day you realize what is instead of what should be, is the day your dreams most likely shatter.
·         No matter how hard you try not to think about someone, the more you think about them.
·         Pain and a hurt heart are the perfect tools to a great written work of art.
·         Certain Love poisons the brain. The majority of the time however it can put cement over the cracks of your life.
·         You can only “save” a handful of people before you need to be saved.
·         Timing is everything, just how time will eventually heal all wounds.
·         No amount of alcohol can erase your memory; it will only subdue the images.
·         Chasing after someone who is taken is only about 50% effective, in the end they are taken for a reason.
·         You have to be a ruthless motherfucker to kill somebody. Even more ruthless to kill children.
·         Life is short, one day we are here and the next we are not. Make sure that you tell those you love that you love them on a daily basis.
·         Fate will always work towards your advantage if you let it.
·         From a negative there will always be a positive after it. 

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