Friday, December 14, 2012

See World

           First off, I am not one for violence. I do believe that unless you are being bullied and/ or verbally assaulted, you have the right to defend yourself. Like in the case of any domestic dispute, no man should ever put his hand on a woman. If it comes down to that I believe the woman should be able to use any means necessary to make herself safe. But when its crimes against innocent people, that’s when I can’t help but become incredibly pissed off. For instance, any shooting that has taken place over the last couple of years. The Aurora shootings for the midnight release of the Dark Knight Rises. The Oregon mall shooting that happened only a couple of days ago.
            But today, it was something completely different. The Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary that took the lives of 20 children and 6 faculty members. Now, I heard about this when it first started at around 10 in the morning, like every other school shooting I didn’t pay enough attention to the details. When I saw that it was an elementary school and the body count kept rising due to kids dying that’s when I was just out of it. For one, you have to be a real sick motherfucker to take someone’s life. Two, you have to be an even sicker motherfucker to go to a crowded place and fire a gun. Three, it was bad enough that it was a school shooting but these were fucking little kids. 5- 10 year old kids, who didn’t know anything about life yet. Who were destined to become something. Who had many and many things to look forward to. But due to one soulless dickhead, that was all taken away. And people are immediately putting up the gun control issue and debating about what to do about it. Get your fucking head out of your assess, you’re sidetracking from the real fucking topic here. THESE WERE LITTLE KIDS!
            Because of one motherfucker, 26 different families’ lives are now ruined. That’s 20 different futures that were already destined, cut short cause of one scumbag. I seriously hope that this guy get’s destroyed for all eternity in hell. I also hope that Big Man upstairs has those 26 spirits within his reach and that all of their souls rest in peace.

(The news keeps saying that it was 27 victims, in reality they are counting the shooter as one of them. Well, I’m not…) 

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