Thursday, December 8, 2011

Somebody Told Me: A True Love Story Part. 2

      Back in the times of Yore, there was a being that was named a Gentleman. A gentleman was a male specimen who would act, speak, and think in a loving manner. They would do this, to attract the female species. The gentleman gene was something that every male had built into his system. The only reason the gentleman system became activated was due to the fact that when a male spoke to a female and emotions became involved the phrase, "I like you," became a giant statement. So as more and more emotions were spoken, the male species felt a sudden surge of power and lust. Now, I'm not sure of the specifics but just like the dinosaurs, the gentlemen species soon became extinct as well. Man, not knowing what to do decided that, "perhaps the females would love anger and aggression instead of compassion," and thus the asshole was born.
      Now as Part. 2 of the True Love Story comes to an end, Part. 3 will be discovering what happened during the gap of the Gentlemen Era and the Decade of the Assholes. Also, we'll discuss the word Chivalry and why and how it to has died...

I Gotta Have It

     Life is the most powerful drug that any one person can be on. That point in life when  the only things you complain about are what you had to eat. I've realized that everything I have in life, I'm grateful for. My only big downers at the moment are school and that I can't get a girlfriend but even then, those two aren't that bad. I'm even glad that I only hangout with a handful of people because those are the people that will make the memories last. I want to be able to tell my kids about all of the adventures that I was able to have. The good, the bad, the wrong, and the right. You know they say, tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. Well, by the look of my friends, I've chosen quite well. We know how to live life, yes certain measures have to be taken, but in the end there is nothing but laughs filling the room. Life as I said is the greatest drug someone could be on. It's full of wonder and merriment. The greatest part about it, is that while under the influence we tend to learn something new everyday. The lesson for today is enjoy life, if you love to draw, then draw your heart out. If laughing is your pleasure, then as Eddie Murphy once said, "Giggle your motherfucking ass off." We don't know how long we'll live so might as well, do the things that make us happy. Would you rather live to be 40 years old and enjoy every second of it or live to be 100 without doing anything enjoyable? I end with this quote by comedian Gabriel Iglesias, "Why do people measure life by the years, instead of how good the years were?"

Spend Some Time with Me: A True Love Story Part. 1

     You know that old rule about war, where if you don't move or make a sound, the enemy won't have a clue to your location? Well, the same rule could apply to feelings just replace war with relationships and replace enemy with the person you desire. I'm sure we've all been told before that if we don't chase the opposite sex, they'll come to us. That is very true only to a certain degree. You definitely start attracting some people but not the main person that you've had in your cross hairs. There's only a certain amount of things you can do until you seem either creepy or mean.
      Why has that become the case though? Why has it come down to using such drastic measures in order for us to be happy with a significant other? In part 2 of a True Love Story, I will be going back in time to how things used to be and why things can't be that way now...

I'd Kill 'em All if I Could

      Be warned that this will probably be my loudest and most curse filled post to date. If you don't like it well, then this post is for you. 

       Fuck you for running out on your girlfriend to be with some cum-dumpster bitch. Fuck you, if you've ever let that one good guy go, just because you wanted to be with some dick-head. Fuck all of the guys who have impregnated their girlfriends and left them for no reason other than, "I'm not ready to have a kid." Fuck the Dumb asses who tell people to mind their own business and yet put up a status or send a text forcing you to immediately ask, "whats wrong?" Fuck everyone who says that your dreams are stupid and that you'll never amount to anything. I can continue on and on with this list of fucks, my main point for this entire post is Fuck everyone that's in your life and aren't letting you live your life. Fuck those who have done you wrong, fuck the ones who have used you and abused you. Fuck the people that aren't letting you be You...