Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'd Kill 'em All if I Could

      Be warned that this will probably be my loudest and most curse filled post to date. If you don't like it well, then this post is for you. 

       Fuck you for running out on your girlfriend to be with some cum-dumpster bitch. Fuck you, if you've ever let that one good guy go, just because you wanted to be with some dick-head. Fuck all of the guys who have impregnated their girlfriends and left them for no reason other than, "I'm not ready to have a kid." Fuck the Dumb asses who tell people to mind their own business and yet put up a status or send a text forcing you to immediately ask, "whats wrong?" Fuck everyone who says that your dreams are stupid and that you'll never amount to anything. I can continue on and on with this list of fucks, my main point for this entire post is Fuck everyone that's in your life and aren't letting you live your life. Fuck those who have done you wrong, fuck the ones who have used you and abused you. Fuck the people that aren't letting you be You...

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