Thursday, December 8, 2011

Somebody Told Me: A True Love Story Part. 2

      Back in the times of Yore, there was a being that was named a Gentleman. A gentleman was a male specimen who would act, speak, and think in a loving manner. They would do this, to attract the female species. The gentleman gene was something that every male had built into his system. The only reason the gentleman system became activated was due to the fact that when a male spoke to a female and emotions became involved the phrase, "I like you," became a giant statement. So as more and more emotions were spoken, the male species felt a sudden surge of power and lust. Now, I'm not sure of the specifics but just like the dinosaurs, the gentlemen species soon became extinct as well. Man, not knowing what to do decided that, "perhaps the females would love anger and aggression instead of compassion," and thus the asshole was born.
      Now as Part. 2 of the True Love Story comes to an end, Part. 3 will be discovering what happened during the gap of the Gentlemen Era and the Decade of the Assholes. Also, we'll discuss the word Chivalry and why and how it to has died...

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