Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Girl with the Glasses

I saw you from a distance. Straight locks of brownish-blackish hair just resting past your shoulders. Glasses placed on your forehead, eyes tired after what I can only assume was a long day. Smile slowly fading, tough times cloud your judgment, stress levels over 9000. The little time it took from laughing and joking around to my mind consumed with images of your smile was surprising even for me. Even last night when I was completely inebriated, I couldn’t help but think of you and what you were up to. Maybe it was the feeding off of the goofiness from one another or the fact that you’re totally different than everyone else and I know I say that a lot but this is the first time I’ve meant it. You have an interesting mentality, the go all or go home attitude, what started off as fun quickly turned competitive, basketball games tend to do that. I’m corrupted by the corpses of past relationships but when I look at you it feels like we’re in sync. Swimming towards positive things, hearts on our sleeves, time on our wrists, and I promise you that if/when we eventually do become something, I will fight to maintain it. I believe that we can really be something special. 

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