Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hunger For More

A friend of mine refused to eat the remainder of a pizza because there was no pepperoni on it. She said that a pizza without pepperoni is just bread with cheese, so I told her that “we are poor college kids.” Sometimes you have to fucking worry about eating because you are one, watching your money and two, trying to finish all of your assignments on time while trying to have a social life and decent sleep schedule, you have no time to eat and when you do it’s all bad shit. My roommate has had at least 2-4 all nighters; I have gone with no sleep once in my lifetime and I barely functioned. I can’t even imagine going to class and trying to take a quiz. I praise people that can do that because they are striving for what they want to achieve even if it means hallucinating due to lack of zzz's. The poor diet of a college kid is due to the levels of stress going into their body. Why else would energy drinks and Top Ramen be a part of the meal plan? I knew that school would push me to my limit but is this shit supposed to take this big of a toll on you? 

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