Sunday, March 10, 2013

That Shit Don't Add Up

              As the story goes and mankind has wondered the answers to millions of questions. This question shall be no different. Why do girls tend to stay with guys when they have done them wrong? Well the fucked up answer to this is the majority of the time, it has to do with sex. No matter how fucked up the deed that was done, if the sex was spectacular then the relationship continues. I’ve had two different girls tell me the same thing. Both boyfriends cheated, lied, and were just all around dickheads yet they could handle the vagina properly and all shit was forgiven. Now it may just be me but a little bit of fucking shouldn’t overlap the fact that this motherfucker either cheated or physically hurt her. Then again, it could possibly be because the guy has an attitude problem and if the girl were to act up or defend herself then he would just treat her even worse.
            Even then that’s when you fucking tell somebody about the shit that he’s doing. Pretty sure it’s little shit like this that makes my theory about people that much more reasonable. Everyone is stupid until they prove me wrong. And even though a select few have proven me wrong, there have been many more that have proven my theory right…

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