Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's Something That's in Your Veins

The working man is going to have to work hard his entire life, sure he may take a couple of breaks here and there but that doesn't change the fact that work will still be there tomorrow. My great grandfather  met my great grandma as a young man who literally had nothing, not even a pair of shoes. But his power and will were so strong that from this he worked his ass off until his wife was in a gorgeous house, which he built, and they were financially hooked. My dad, with a high school education, provided for us like no other. He dug himself through so much shit for us to be able to have new clothes for school and to be able to take a family vacation. Now, I've experienced hard work and just how stressful it can be and it's a real bitch but the ultimate satisfaction of knowing that what you do makes other people happy is what should push you to continue working. The reason I work my ass off is not for right now, but rather for my future. I want my kids to see me and feel the same thing I felt when I saw my dad. I want that hard working title on my tombstone because even though it's not the hardest job, I still give my blood and sweat to make sure that at the end of the day, my future looks that much brighter...

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