Monday, August 20, 2012

Heavens or Temporary Forevers

          When the world turns crazy, you need to be able to find one solid thought and pray that it keeps you sane. What happens though when the thing that's supposed to keep you sane also drives you wild? This thought is amazing. It can immediately have you thinking positively and push you past the limit that you were daring to go. No words need to be said, hell the world can become silent and that would still be the highlight of your day. It should be able to pick you up when your down, change your entire outlook on life. Turn the rainy days into sunny ones, it should completely push you to do the absolute best that you can. Now, maybe your thought is not so complicated, maybe it's the same thought that gets me through my days. The intensity of the thought is how you choose to take on a certain task and whether or not the task is worth taking. This thought can be of a person. Going back to the crazy world, thinking of this person may help you with any tough decisions, it may help you decide what to do by the answer that they would give you were you to ask them the question on your mind. Like I said, whatever your thought is, it doesn't matter, as long as it helps you reach your full potential. For instance, my thought has helped me through very stressful moments both at work and home. Yet, it's one of the simplest thoughts in the world. One of the simplest things to picture in the world. A smile. How do our thoughts differ? Easy because mine isn't just any smile, it's her smile...

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