Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm Gonna Push Thru

     Today I got a real world awakening. I was finally able to see the whole my actions are louder than my words thing put to the test. Today at work, one of my co-workers was being heartless in the sense that he was saying how he didn't care that one of my other co-workers was crying. She was crying due to it being a very rough week and also that her dad's anniversary was coming up on Saturday. I told him that he had to feel for her and how anyone in that situation would get emotional. So he immediately says that I love her because I'm defending her even when she's not there.  So as the day later passed, I walk in and the same co- worker is singing "Baby come Back" with the Baby line switched up, to basically mock one of our other coworkers. So I start laughing joining in on the fun and tell him he's a fool so he says "Okay Rich, I got something for you," and he starts singing Baby come Back but with the co-worker who was crying's name instead of Baby. Everyone starts laughing, hell even I start laughing. So I say "alright if that's how you want to play it," and punch him in the back and not even hard just a playful punch. So I continue smiling and walk away and he says "I bet it won't be funny if I punch you in the face." So I immediately look at him and go fuck it, let's go but I was completely messing around with him  I still had a smile on my face, I had planned to give him a handshake and a manly hug. He started walking to me all hard as if he was really going to hit me, my boss got in the middle and "broke it up." So he storms out and says, "you better watch your back Rich," my boss tells me to go to the back to cool off. After about a couple of minutes, I walk out with everyone asking me if I'm okay and my boss telling me to write down what happened and then to go home. So once home, I play the entire situation back in my mind and start getting pissed at not just myself but at the fact that once I start playing around shit has to get serious.
       For instance, the manager of the store messes around as well. Hell, one time I punched him hard as shit in the arm and we both laughed about it afterwards. So why is it that whenever I join the fucking party, everyone has to get all cool and tough and make everything all serious. So my boss calls me a couple of hours afterwards and tells me that she can no longer have me coming back to the shop. So I got fired, all over a little bit of bullshit. Now, am I upset, absolutely. Mainly at myself for letting the shit happen, but still I didn't mean it to go in that direction. But as my mother told me once I told her that I was let go, "you'll find something better, in life we are dealt with an uneasy load so we can learn to adjust to the surroundings and make the best of what we can." As I sit here I can't help but wonder a couple of things: 1) why was this decision made so sudden, 2) I wonder what my Angel has to say about any of this, and 3) I wonder what my dad would have to say about any of this...

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