Monday, November 28, 2011

My Excuse is that I'm Young

       There comes a point in every young adults life where you realize that you don't give a fuck about what people think of you. People will always give you the judgmental eyes, the way you take it and act on it, truely shows your emotions towards them. In my case, the only people's opinions I care about are my parents and brother. My brother is older, so he knows exactly what I'm going through. My mom, has the mom type of attitude so she worries and gets mad but I always do something to make her see the upside of my actions. My dad's opinion is the only one I can't physically see and it's the only one that actually worries me a little. I know that certain things I do, don't make him happy but I believe that the positive changes in my life, make him proud. My family and friends, their opinions don't really matter to me, I know who I am, I don't need anyone telling me otherwise. So to you, my reader, I tell you this. Fuck what everyone else thinks about you, the only opinion that matters is yours. So just do what you have to do and as you achieve your own glory, watch while these nobody's sit there with their mouths open.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'd Rather Be With You

I recently found out just how much getting into a relationship changes you. I'm always happy whenever someone I know gets to be with the one they've been going crazy for. It gives me that satisfaction because considering the type of person that I am, I know that they came to me for help, so of course I played matchmaker. It doesn't suck as bad until the one that you've been crushing on gets into a relationship, especially if all they do is talk to you about the person they're crushing on. The worst part is that while you have to just sit there and listen to them praise the other person, you're thinking, "you should be with me, Fuck him/her." Then, when they make it official, and they talk to you, you go ahead and make a small joke or remark and they get really pissed at you. So I guess what I want to say is, Fuck the person that isn't allowing you to be with your crush. Once your crush finds a crush and it's not you, then the crush you have for your crush, will be crushed...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Easy to Dream a Dream, Though it's Harder to Live It

We've all had dreams about our futures. Some are very outrageous, others could very easily happen. For instance, I had a dream a couple of months back that I was on Good Morning America, promoting my book, which received a very high praise and was put on the New York Bestsellers list. What shocked me the most, was once I woke up, I realized that it could possibly happen. Of course before I am able to become a professional, I have to graduate with a degree. I can't help but think however, that maybe school is actually just slowing down my ultimate future. I mean some of the greatest, smartest, and wealthiest people didn't attend college. Everyday my mind fills with ideas for wonderful stories and tales, that I can clearly see being turned into a book. I can't help but think however that maybe I wasn't destined to attend school or possibly I'm destined for something much better and maybe writing is just a hobby. Whatever my future brings, I'll love what I do because I'm destined for Greatness...

You'll Probably Know it's You After the First Sentence

We've all put ourselves out there for someone we care deeply about. We've poured our emotions out to the point where we're damn near passing out over love-loss. Now, if you remember correctly, a couple of entries ago, I told you the story of the girl who I loved and how I let her slip away. Well, recently I showed her what I wrote and explained in full, just how I really felt about her. You know how you sometimes picture how you want a result to turn out. Well, in my eyes, I was hoping that she was going to call me up, crying and saying that she loved me in the exact same way. Then, reality hit and I remembered that she now goes to school in Rhode Island and it would be impossible for us to be together. No one likes being heartbroken, especially me, you would think that after all the times that it's happened I would be used to it. But if it wasn't meant to be, then I guess I have my answer. While I think about this loss, I can't help but feel that my heart might have a different person in mind for my Ms. Right...