Sunday, November 13, 2011

Easy to Dream a Dream, Though it's Harder to Live It

We've all had dreams about our futures. Some are very outrageous, others could very easily happen. For instance, I had a dream a couple of months back that I was on Good Morning America, promoting my book, which received a very high praise and was put on the New York Bestsellers list. What shocked me the most, was once I woke up, I realized that it could possibly happen. Of course before I am able to become a professional, I have to graduate with a degree. I can't help but think however, that maybe school is actually just slowing down my ultimate future. I mean some of the greatest, smartest, and wealthiest people didn't attend college. Everyday my mind fills with ideas for wonderful stories and tales, that I can clearly see being turned into a book. I can't help but think however that maybe I wasn't destined to attend school or possibly I'm destined for something much better and maybe writing is just a hobby. Whatever my future brings, I'll love what I do because I'm destined for Greatness...

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