Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Just Textbook Stuff

   Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Do not waste yourself in rejection; do not bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good." We all love being accepted. No matter where, at what time, or even when, being accepted into some place makes you feel like the king of the hill. Why is it then that the majority of the things we take a chance on get shot down by Acceptance's little sister, Rejection. Rejection can be a real bitch when she wants to be. Whether it's from a job, a college application, or even a relationship. No one likes being rejected, no one likes having that feeling of "I'm not worthy enough." The weird thing is, that rejection will always be a part of our lives. It all depends on how we deal with the rejection that makes us or breaks us. But once again, consider a relationship or not even a relationship, just consider a friend. Friends will always reject you for others, that's just how it is. But does it come to a point, where all of this rejection is enough and you end up calling them out on it. For instance, say you don't talk to a friend for a couple of weeks and then they suddenly call you and don't even say, "hey, how are you?" They immediately go into whatever the hell they called you about. Now, not only does this show that they don't care but it also shows that your nothing but another person to them. In return, you call them out on it, not even leaving them with enough space to come up with something smart to say. So if you think about it, is rejection really all that bad? Or does it give you the chance to open your eyes and your mind to new opportunities?...

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