Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Other Me

I just got through watching a trailer for a movie titled "Another Earth." It's basically about this other earth that just randomly appeared in the sky and it shares everything with our Earth, including the people. So the trailer actually makes you think. If there were a parallel universe or if there were a second Earth, what would the other you be like? Would they share the same mistakes that you've made? Would they be better or worse than the you of this Earth? Would they have your same flaws and weaknesses? Or would they be the exact opposite of you completely? Would the disasters that happen on this Earth not occur in the other one? If someone died that was close to you, does that mean that they would still be alive on the other Earth? I guess one would never be able to find out. It seems to me that the "other Earth" would be just like a butterfly effect. In the sense that, if something happened to Earth one, it would be pointless to try and prevent it on Earth two because no matter how hard you try one way or another, it's going to happen. So as I sit here scratching my head at the possibilities at another Earth, I leave you with one final question. If there were another Earth, would you want to meet yourself?...

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