Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here's my Prescription

I saw the girl that's been roaming around in my head today. As I drove her home and she was telling me about how her life has been, she told me that she has recently been in many down moods. It's hard when you have feelings towards somebody and you see them like this and all you want to do is hold them and never let go until they're alright. But all I could do was stare at her and share some wisdom with her, that's it. Sure at the end she gave me a hug but maybe its just me. But when I receive a hug from her I always expect something else to happen, some sort of spark or magic. You know the final notch on the belt, so that things can finally be how they are supposed to be. Like Tinkerbell in the beginning of every Disney movie coming out and waving her magic wand type of ordeal. The weird thing is though, is that I have no idea what I'm feeling, of course I can't get her out of my mind but in the meantime I have to handle my own personal business. So my mind is basically having a juggling contest between these two thoughts. Whatever the case is between me and her, there's only one real question that I have to ask myself; Is she worth the wait? And the answer is: yes, because it's not just one thing about her that has me dumbfounded, it's everything. Her beauty, her wit, her emotion, it's all poetry. I mean it's no wonder I wrote a blog about her a while back. So as I conclude my Worthwhile trilogy, I start to think about what her feelings are towards me. And I don't really care, I'm in her life for a reason, and no matter what the outcome is of this waiting game, I love my place right where it is...

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