Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cupid Must Have Put A Curse On Me

Every situation, every choice, every action has a reaction. You go to a new city or state or country and there's a 50% chance you'll like it. You eat something, you have a 50/50 chance whether or not its good for you. You ask someone out and the reaction is either a yes or no. And even if the person says yes, theres a 50/50 chance whether the relationship will work or not.
But in many relationships, the guy or girl somehow overcomes these specific reactions and gets the other persons heart causing them multiple emotions and multiple thoughts. But the guy in the relationship always fucks it up, causing the girl much suffering and pain, therefore initially branding himself an Asshole. So the girl tries again with a 2nd guy and then a 3rd, but one by one the guy has screwed over the girl, but now the girl immeadiately stereotypes that every single guy is an ASSHOLE. But then comes Mr. Nice Guy, he attempts what the other so called "gentleman" did but he does it in such a wonderful fashion that he somehow gets the girls heart. He says things to make her feel like she has never felt, he makes her feel like a complete angel. Right when all the feelings are said and done, and he is about to make it official by asking her to be his girlfriend. The sudden thought of all her past relationships hit and she leaves Mr. Nice Guy without even saying a word. Now Mr. Nice Guy is standing there feeling helpless, lonely, and hurt. Now guess what she's officially become... An Asshole...

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