Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bad Luck in 3`s or in my case 5´s

As if things couldn`t of been bad enough in 2009 and continuing onto 2010. Any news we recieved from Nicaragua or any news at all was barely good news but somehow it decreased going all the way up to Un-imaginable horror to still pretty shitty news. It all started with my dad´s death and then it progressed to us almost losing my house. The same house that I grew up in and when I mean grew up, I MEAN GREW UP... lived there for 17 years, that´s a long ass time. Then in August of 09, news struck again that my Grandma had passed away (dad´s mom). Although it was still a pretty big downer, I was pretty relieved that she passed because now her and my dad would be happy because they get to see each other again. Anyway, in early November , we almost lost my house again but this time it wasnt to a buyer but to the bank, which meant we couldve easily been kicked out on our asses. Then finally for atleast 4 months we had some peace and comfort, the house stuff had been settled and we were able to keep it but no-no fate was like "alright yall had your rest, now its time to ruin yall once again!" and it just so happend that on the day of my Moms bday, my great uncle had passed away. He was fighting a cancer battle for over a year and ultimately, it beat him. But once again, it was a downer but I was more relieved because now he wasnt suffering and he would once again be reunited with his sister and his nephew. So yeah, bad luck doesnt just come in 3´s the shit can hit you with any number...

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