Thursday, May 15, 2014

Things We Treasure

            Even though we've never actually met face to face, I can swear we’ve known each other for years. The way we sync up on a mentality level is really the basis of our intriguing relationship. I do hope that when we finally do meet, she’ll love being around me. I mean personality wise, she’s fond of me mainly because she’s mentioned it a couple of times but I feel that when we meet, something will come together like puzzle pieces and it’ll just feel great. I do hope that with my random tangents or extensions in conversation that I am not coming across as that one guy who won’t shut the hell up. I mean she makes me a better person and not even in a romantic way or in the “I have a goal concerning her” type of way, more like in the way that we’re able to cheer each other up and just have a great time within the words written in our back and forth messages. I think about her a lot and again nothing sexual or romantic but more along the lines of “I wonder if she’s alright, I hope her day is going well, when she says no one treats her like I do, I can’t help but wonder why no one can see how cool she is, etc.” And sure maybe we click so well due to our similarities but maybe our differences add to that factor as well. She’s a very special girl who I care for dearly, I can safely say that I got her back and she damn sure has mine even if for the moment, it’s within the confines of our cell phone screens. 

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