Monday, May 19, 2014

Things to Offer

            I’m moderately good looking, I have a big stomach, better yet I have a decent amount of fluff to me. I have a great smile, decent hair and beard, I have tattoos and piercings, I have only 2 reviewers who say my four play skills are fantastic and my sexual moves aren't too shabby either, so I’m not sure if I have anything to offer
           I've been fired from 2 jobs over some bullshit (food poisoning for one and I forgot the other) and have spent the better part of a year and a half looking for a job meaning my only source of income is doing odd jobs (i.e. cleaning family houses, driving grandma places, babysitting, etc) so I’m not sure if I have anything to offer.

            I’m gullible at times, I’m very honest not enough to hurt anyone’s feelings but if you ask me what’s on my mind, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m a comic book nerd but more in the sense that I admire superheroes and villains and their stories yet have only read about 10 actual comic books in my lifetime. I’m passionate about writing and art and all things creative. The creativity in human beings is remarkable and I technically feed off of it. I drink on occasion; I smoke on occasion, sometimes both on the same occasion. I love music and watching movies and TV. I belong to specific fandoms. I’m a lover not a fighter. I cook and clean. I give my heart to whoever is willing to accept it, what they do with it is up to them. I’m a man’s best friend type of guy. I love women and I damn sure respect them. I’m a sap when it comes to romantic-esque situations. Last but not least, if I call you beautiful, even though you may not think you are, I damn sure think so and then some. Even if you have scars or stretch marks or hate how your hair gets poofed up in humidity, I don’t care if you’re big or small, what color eyes or what color hair, none of that matters to me and no other girl will be able to match your unique beauty. So again I’m not really sure if I have anything to offer you. 

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