Monday, May 19, 2014

Things to Offer

            I’m moderately good looking, I have a big stomach, better yet I have a decent amount of fluff to me. I have a great smile, decent hair and beard, I have tattoos and piercings, I have only 2 reviewers who say my four play skills are fantastic and my sexual moves aren't too shabby either, so I’m not sure if I have anything to offer
           I've been fired from 2 jobs over some bullshit (food poisoning for one and I forgot the other) and have spent the better part of a year and a half looking for a job meaning my only source of income is doing odd jobs (i.e. cleaning family houses, driving grandma places, babysitting, etc) so I’m not sure if I have anything to offer.

            I’m gullible at times, I’m very honest not enough to hurt anyone’s feelings but if you ask me what’s on my mind, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m a comic book nerd but more in the sense that I admire superheroes and villains and their stories yet have only read about 10 actual comic books in my lifetime. I’m passionate about writing and art and all things creative. The creativity in human beings is remarkable and I technically feed off of it. I drink on occasion; I smoke on occasion, sometimes both on the same occasion. I love music and watching movies and TV. I belong to specific fandoms. I’m a lover not a fighter. I cook and clean. I give my heart to whoever is willing to accept it, what they do with it is up to them. I’m a man’s best friend type of guy. I love women and I damn sure respect them. I’m a sap when it comes to romantic-esque situations. Last but not least, if I call you beautiful, even though you may not think you are, I damn sure think so and then some. Even if you have scars or stretch marks or hate how your hair gets poofed up in humidity, I don’t care if you’re big or small, what color eyes or what color hair, none of that matters to me and no other girl will be able to match your unique beauty. So again I’m not really sure if I have anything to offer you. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Things We Treasure

            Even though we've never actually met face to face, I can swear we’ve known each other for years. The way we sync up on a mentality level is really the basis of our intriguing relationship. I do hope that when we finally do meet, she’ll love being around me. I mean personality wise, she’s fond of me mainly because she’s mentioned it a couple of times but I feel that when we meet, something will come together like puzzle pieces and it’ll just feel great. I do hope that with my random tangents or extensions in conversation that I am not coming across as that one guy who won’t shut the hell up. I mean she makes me a better person and not even in a romantic way or in the “I have a goal concerning her” type of way, more like in the way that we’re able to cheer each other up and just have a great time within the words written in our back and forth messages. I think about her a lot and again nothing sexual or romantic but more along the lines of “I wonder if she’s alright, I hope her day is going well, when she says no one treats her like I do, I can’t help but wonder why no one can see how cool she is, etc.” And sure maybe we click so well due to our similarities but maybe our differences add to that factor as well. She’s a very special girl who I care for dearly, I can safely say that I got her back and she damn sure has mine even if for the moment, it’s within the confines of our cell phone screens. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Words, Things, and What-not

            I speak the truth, there are those that take it with a grain of salt, it’s honestly the way I talk, though words are never catching fault. Pronunciation and exploitation along with the way different people phrase and say them, turn words into a sexual type of thing. For example, “I’m going to kill myself but maybe browse the holy book of psalms and maybe I’ll just heal thyself and spread this luck of potential wealth or turn a fucking phrase or two and wind up back at the gates of hell.” Words are poetic, a little hectic; they provide rhyme and reason or sometimes just some info to get you from that to this. Words can keep you guessing but there’s always a twist: Jack was nimble and he was quick, there was a Cat in a Hat, and Wayne Brady threatened to choke a bitch. This girl with an accent simply asked me a question causing me to turn brainless for just a few seconds. My brain sits intoxicated as it thinks of the many places that I have vividly contemplated, it really is quite amazing. And she is quite amazing, not someone in particular but as a whole, the female race. Just filled with wonderment and astonishment, something we can all admire, each writing their own fears and dreams and being able to publish it. See, words aren’t just in books and poems or the cover of a magazine. Words are beauty and art and everything we envision them to be. Words are powerful and magical. You can destroy planets and yet build universes with them. That’s why I write because words are beautiful and hurtful. They can be anything you want them to be. 

Thoughts From A Balcony

            If I plummet to the ground by hopping over this shady railing, I’ll be giving up this wonderful sight that I am currently inhaling. A horizon of such brightness, where my future has been decided as if it’s written within the confines of my own subconscious. Pages fly past me, bright lights keep flashing, I’m so fucking high…off life that I can’t stop being happy. Beauty all around me, from the people walking down below to the graffiti in the alleys. The sun burns bright like 10 crack pipes being lit under the bridge off of Distortion Pike, a sinful place known for the corrupted cops and it’s walkers of the night. Birds and planes soar high above the sky where clouds show a rendition of a fatal drive-by. As darkness covers every part of the city, beautiful beams of light come from each and every building. The world is a wonder and I know some of it is evil, there’s amazement in its nature and all the bullshit you have to see through. I look on the positive side of the spectrum so that my self-investment remains as such. Finding the strong amongst the gritty, the truth amongst the pity, I've chosen my path correctly. As I stare out towards the sky, incredible visions catch my eyes, for these are but simple thoughts from a balcony.